Check out our Upcoming Career Fairs
Secure the Future of your students
Our hiring platform helps your students build connections with companies in the US. They get to meet prospective employers and increase their chances of landing a job & winning a scholarship with our industry-tested assessment tool!

What do students gain from Everytalent?

Everytalent’s Virtual Career Fairs give your students a platform to network and build connections that could last a lifetime. Students who sign up get a solution that meets their job search needs while providing them with professional skills.
Everytalent's testing tool creates a fair assessment of the candidates' aptitude & competency even before they meet employers
Testing of abilities & strengths
Recommendations to overcome potential vulnerabilities
Matches the personalities of job seekers with a company's culture
The higher the score, the more exposure their profile receives & the higher the chance to win a scholarship
We provide a comprehensive virtual events platform that lets students attend multiple sessions & presentations by company representatives.
4K Live broadcasting for uninterrupted video quality
Interactive features like chats, polls, and background filters to keep participants engaged
Seamless navigation through multiple sessions, including breakout rooms, for company representatives to answer questions
Access to companies that create purpose-driven employment for today's graduates
Help your students on their path to job satisfaction with better opportunities
Improve their chances of getting hired by companies that value inclusiveness and diversity
Match them to companies that share similar cultural values
We can introduce them to a network of employers.
To find out more talk to our team.
The success of your students is built on connections!

Amazon Case Study

A multi-session virtual event showcasing "What is it like to work at Amazon as part of the Amazonian Experience and Technology Team?"
Keynote speech from Brent Haye (Vice President of the Amazonian Experience and Technology team)
Every session featured a different conference room. Members of different teams spoke about their current projects, what they have learned during their time with the company, and what they are looking forward to.
of event attendees to job applicants
production timeline from concept to the live event
of attendees
engaged with the team at the virtual recruitment event
“There’s no other way to say it: we’d be lost without you #MakingAnImpact. Thank you for supporting Amazonian Experience & Technology via the Everytale platform during Amazon Career Day. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciated your focused attention, leadership, and the work of your amazing team!”
Kristine Forsberg
Senior Program Manager at Amazon
“You’re amazing! The event looked incredible!”
Allyson Crowell
Director of Strategic Communications at Amazon
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Everytalent Inc.
220 E 23rd St, Ste 400, New York, NY, 10010
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